pgsql - Client-side implementation of the postgreSQL protocol.


pgsql option ?arg arg ...?


This command provides all you need to query a PostgreSQL server from any platform running Tcl code. It implementes version 2.0 of the frontend to backend protocol, introduced in postreSQL 6.3.

pgsql length cursor

pgsql get cursor

pgsql array cursor

pgsql headers cursor

pgsql fields cursor

pgsql nbfields cursor

Handle cursor. See cursor package for details.

pgsql open options...

-database -user -password -host -port -socket -tty -authtype -options

pgsql close dbHandle

pgsql exec dbHandle sqlcommand

pgsql completed qrHandle

Returns a boolean to indicate if a query has been completed

pgsql socket dbHandle

pgsql queries dbHandle

pgsql clear qrHandle

pgsql date date

transform a date into a Tcl integer as returns by [clock seconds]

pgsql conndefaults

returns default connection parameters

pgsql status qrHandle

returns current status of query

pgsql error qrHandle

Return last error message raised for query

pgsql connection qrHandle

Returns dbHandle associated with query qrHandle

pgsql oid cursor

Returns OID returns by a query. This is valid only query was an INSERT. Otherwise, an error is raised.

pgsql updated cursor

Returns number of rows updated by a query. This is valid only query was an UPDATE. Otherwise, an error is raised.

pgsql listen dbHandle notifyName callback

Listen for a notification, and declare a callback to execute whenever this notification is received.


Functions to deal with the Large Object features(i.e. the pg_lo_* procedures in the pgtcl library) are not yet implemented.


PostgreSQL is a free, open source, advanced Object-Relational database management system (DBMS) that supports almost all SQL constructs (including transactions, subselects and user-defined types and functions).Do get more information about this program, have a look at

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