dingbox - Option parsing for Tcl functions and Tk widgets.


parseopts option ?arg arg ...?


This command provides all you need to query a PostgreSQL server from any platform runnign Tcl code. It implementes version 2.0 of the frontend to backend protocol, introduced in postreSQL 6.4. This package is also able to emulate the 'pgtcl' library skipped with the postgreSQL distribution. More precisely, any program using the 'pgtcl' library should work as well by replacing

load (or "load libpgtcl.dll", etc...)


package require crypt
package require pgsql
pgsql::pgsql emulate

The emulation has been tested successfully with the "pgaccess" program (version 0.96) included in the postgreSQL distribution (latest version available at that the package crypt is also a pure Tcl package, which is available separately (probably at the same location you found the "pgsql" one). It is required only if you need to establish a connection with a server that ask for a secured authentication.


Functions to deal with the Large Object features(i.e. the pg_lo_* procedures in the pgtcl library) are not yet implemented.


PostgreSQL is an free, open source, advanced Object-Relational database management system (DBMS) that supports almost all SQL constructs (including transactions, subselects and user-defined types and functions).Do get more information about this program, have a look at

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